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Hi, we are ejourno.

We are the future of news.

Today, with advances in technology and social media, we have access to such a vast amount of constantly updating news content, that it is almost impossible to know what to read and more importantly what to believe. To be truly informed about your society, understanding what is happening around you is crucial, but getting access to reliable information can be difficult.

So, our goal is to create a news platform that allows the readers to be as informed as possible. This means organising news from across the web so that we can see the best and most reliable content. We also allow anyone to create a profile and share their own news, offering a way to see as many sides of the story as possible. This way we can all make truly informed opinions about the what is happening.

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The whole story

With the way we consume news today it is very easy for facts to be distorted and misrepresented, or simply for us to be lied to, and most of us we won’t even realise this has happened.

On our platform you will be able to see the same news from the same organisaions that you are used to but rated according to its quality, bias and reliability, so you truly know what you are reading. In addition, we provide extra details and if possible the original sources and facts to give more depth of knowledge about what you are reading, so you can truly have the whole story.

Article Ratings

All news on our website is rated using our clear and precise rating matrix so it allows you to immediately know what type of article you are reading. You can see how well this has been written, with what level of bias, and most importantly how reliable is this infomation.



Deep Knowledge

Now you understand the type of article you are reading, you should also know more information about the topic and the bigger picture behind the news. This allows you to draw your own conclusions, rather than just the prescribed and filtered information that is being offered to you.

Key Points

Allowed usage

Testosterone is a performance enhancing drug and is a banned substance by World Anti Doping Agency (WADA), unless it is used under a Theraputic Use Exemption (TUE).

Different Opinions

It is necessary

Some people are born with a lower than normal level of hormones, and in some cases this can cause illnesses. For them, taking the drug is necessary.

News from our eJournos

With anyone can upload news content. So alongside national media organsiations you will get news from real people, in real time, from your region. There are so many people in the world, with so many stories to share, it’s about time we gave everyone a platform from which they can be truly heard.

Of course, our users must undergo the same scrunity that we put on mainstream media organistations and journalist, so you can expect to see our best eJournos next to the media giants.



Anyone can be a journalist

And we think that everyone should be! We want everyone to make a profile and begin uploading news. The more content we have, the greater the coverage of the news, and the closer to the truth we get.


Articles and Digital Newspapers

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We are quite live yet, so while we are getting ready say hello on social media.





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